“At first I was skeptical; who would want to watch a video about making steel doors? Now, four videos later, the Door Components channel on YouTube has had almost 40,000 views. We’ve reached a lot of people who can’t make it here for a plant visit, and our employees like the videos too.”
Bob Briggs
Door Components
"I just wanted to let you know that I am thankful for, and I have been very impressed by, the high quality of Judy Johnson's work on behalf of the Western HVAC Performance Alliance development effort, from her assistance and leadership with multiple committees in moving efforts along and in recording meetings and generating minutes, to the extensive efforts on building a smartly designed Website for the PA. The Website foundation and basic structure is solid and clearly shows much thoughfulness for what we will need into the future and is indicative of the rich experience she clearly has had in Web design. I'm sure Judy had many other aspects of her work that kept all of our efforts afloat that I am not mentioning here. Judy is leaving us in great shape for building the effort into the future."
James Tuleya
PG&E Statewide Lead for HVAC
IDSM Core Products, HVAC & Motors
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
"This datasheet is dynamite. It doesn't miss a beat! It's absolutely electric. I love the Twenty Areas of Expertise. (How do you come up with these things? I think I'll never know.) Just pure genius."
AJ Jolivette
SOHO Network Solutions
"It was an incredible experience to participate with you in launching my first products. I am getting an MBA from the University of Judy."
When my company needed a brochure I enlisted Judy's assistance. Her immense knowledge, professionalism and understanding of our goals is one of the primary reasons we have an unmatched brochure in our industry. Our sales division is very proud to use this important piece as the cornerstone of our sales/marketing campaign."Paul Maximov
Automobile Technologies
Mike Stegman
General Manager
Harbor Pipe and Steel, Inc.
"Judy supported our sales team during the six-month search for our permanent hire, and for four more months helping the new hire become effective. "
"We learned best marketing practices from a true expert, without the continuing payroll expense. In the rebranding activity alone, we would have paid an outside agency at least three times as much for the expertise we received from Judy Key Johnson and her team."
Vane Clayton
ZOLL Data Systems